For each assembled actuator, A.F.C. performs an accurate Factory Acceptance Test to evaluate all the principal parameters of the machinary:
- Dimensional check on the actuator in compliance with the approved G.A. drawings.
- Actuator to valve interface compliance with applicable valve top mounting.
- Hydrostatic Test at 1.5 times the maximum working pressure.
- Cylinder Leakage tests checked with gas leakage detector after pressurisation.

The Static performance test permits to measure actuator performances (torque/thrust) locking the test bench in defined angular/linear stroke position and visualize/record performance value to a fixed input pressure. A very accuracy oleodynamic test bench, connected to PC between a PLC permits a real time performances check.

The Dynamic performance test consists of measuring actuator performances during all complete angular/linear stroke, maintaining the pressure at a set value (typically min. and max. working pressure). This test permits to evaluate the complete stroke and analyse eventual discontinuity points in the performance graph.

The simulation test permits to simulate the resistant valve torque point by point during the complete stroke: the automatic test bench modulate the inlet pressure and the brake force to simulate the real valve presence. A Test Report is automatically compiled during the test by the computerized control systems where all the main data are recorded and stored.