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A.F.C. complies with applicable laws and regulations and will implement programs and procedures to ensure compliance with legal requirements and voluntary commitments. A.F.C. promotes a workplace in which all employees are properly trained to comply with environmental health and safety requirements and procedures, to meet EHS program goals.

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A.F.C. is committed to pollution prevention through continuous improvement in our environmental performances. We are committed to eliminate, or reduce to the maximum practical extent, the release of contaminants into the environment, through pollution prevention (material substitution and source reduction), recycling, and specific treatments and control technologies.


A.F.C. employs management systems and procedures designed to prevent activities and/or conditions that pose a threat to human health, safety, or to the environment, thus minimizing our direct impact on the environment. We frequently communicate our commitment to environmental health and safety and the company’s EHS performance to our employees.

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